Shark Liver Oil UK

Squalene Shark Liver Oil

Why Shark Liver Oil ?
You may be wondering why Shark liver oil rather than a quality fish or cod liver oi .....
Shark Liver Oil acts as an arbitrator in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and is an oily substance that helps deliver oxygen to the cell tissues that need it. It also easily penetrates the cell membranes and plays an effective role as an anti-oxidant, thereby giving us considerably more energy. Strengthening the immune system can assist with minimising persistent infections. Shark liver oil includes DHA (docosahexaeonic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), two omega-3 fatty acids that help in the production of prostaglandins, which aid pain control and joint mobility.

Buy Shark Liver Oil UK
(60 X 1000mg Capsules)
only £ 17

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